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A member registered Apr 10, 2020

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WAYYYYYY toooo late for that respons lol

How do you get on the non public version?

(2 edits)

I'd really like to see the Alchemy stuff progress, so much potential there, I personally have a bunch of ideas for it, wish I had the skill you all do and could design a game, I have grand ideas just no skill to make it come to fruition.

Ideas like this:

  • Alchemy could be switched to activating the pot and it pulling up a menu that has space for you to move things to instead of throwing the items in.
  • Could make it where depending on how you arrange the items is what you get for example: The box is a 3x3 equaling nine spacesto put things, you use slime mucus + herb + slime mucus in the top three slots and get a small mp potion, but if you use herb + slime musus + slime mucus you get a small hp potions, the reason for this is, the recipes first item is what the focus is, so entering the herb as the focus makes the recipe forcus on healing items, while entering the slime mucus makes it focus on MP items.  You could push this farther by making it where you can design even more items like this Herb in top left(focus hp) Slime mucus top middle slime mucus top middle first is herb(focus hp) slime mucus slime mucus then bottom bottom first is herb them slime mucus slime mucus and this makes a good healing potion, if you upgrade the pot you can get a 3x4 and insert the same combo on the fourth set of 3 and get a grand hp potion that you can usually only buy from the store, and if you only use 2 rows with the same combination you get a regular healing potion. Also if you are on the 3x3 version and you do Herb top left then slime mucus middle left and slime mucus bottom left you get a potion that heals for a little but boosts mp a bit instead of the normal small hp potion because you are using 3 focus items in the combinations (1 hp focus and 2 mp focus)
  • Boss slimes drop boss slime mucus which can be used in it's own unique recipes but can also be used as an upgraded version of the regular slime mucus, for example it takes two slime mucus to make a small mp potion, but a boss slime mucus and a slime mucus make a good mp potion ect.(this also makes farming bosses more appealing as you can then make better items.)

Anyways just idea on how you can take a simple bonus mechanic and make it more than it was, I have even more ideas, just wanted to get out this basic stuff.

Personally, I find myself using the 3 hit combo more often then any skill, the next in the list for worth it to me is: Up + Attack, comboed with Uplift + attack, still the three hit combo seems to be the best tactic thus far.  when facing an enemy that has ranged I go with Fireball + Fireball or Fireball + three hit combo (use this one on goblins mostly).  to me it feels like the combos just aren't worth it most of the time, like when I use the Up + Attack comboed with Uplift + Attack, I still have to hit the slimes one more time to kill them, which more often then not gets me hit, however if I just use the standard 3 hit combo the slimes are dead and 100% of the time don't get hit, now I haven't maxed out my upgrade chart yet, nor have I defeated the boss for slimes or goblins, so I'll see how it acts later, but so far the combos just don't seem to be worth it.

Just wanted to add my two cents into it

Alchemy Book(posted in my ingredient post too) where you can record the different combinations of items for the cooking pot outside of the goblin cave, basically if you've made it once it's recorded in the book, with maybe the number of items you can mix so we have a goal to aim for.

(6 edits)
  • Slime Mucus + Herb = Small Healing Potion
  • Slime Mucus + Slime Mucus = Small MP Potion
  • Slime Mucus + Egg = Boiled Egg
  • Herb + Egg = Boiled Egg
  • Egg + Egg = Double Yoked Egg

Anyone else go any other combinations, currently experimenting to see if I can find more combinations (suggestion incoming = Alchemy notebook: keeps recipes of combinations of items that you have already done once), I'm talking about the cooking pot outside of the goblin cave.

Things that have failed or offered no altered result:

  • Slime Mucus + Slime Mucus + Slime Mucus = Small MP Potion
  • Slime Mucus + Slmine Mucus + Slime Mucus + Slime Mucus = Small MP Potion
  • Double Yoked Egg + Slime Mucus = Explosion (ouch)
  • Small MP Potion + Slime Mucus = Explosion (ouch)
  • Small Health Potion + Slime Mucus = Eplosion (ouch)
  • Herb + Herb = Explosion (ouch)
  • Slime Mucus + Boiled Egg = Explosion (ouch)
  • Small MP Potion + Small Health Potion = Explosion (ouch) (missed an opportunity here in my opinion)
  • Small Health Potion + Boiled Egg = Explosion (ouch)